Nueva versión del grandioso simulador Dwarf Fortress en la que nos encontramos como novedad con ejércitos de esqueletos dispuestos a asediar nuestras fortalezas, espías vampiros, plagas de enanos-lobo y muchas mas opciones nuevas para el juego en modo aventura (ademas de una larga lista de bugs corregidos).
¡Que ganas de hincarle el diente a esta nueva versión!
A continuacion dejo una lista completa con los cambios:
New stuffFuente: Dwarf Fortress
- cities in adventure mode that have various buildings, dungeons, items, livestock, etc.
- protect your community from secret vampire dwarves or hunt them as an adventurer
- defend your fort during the full moon or risk a werewolf infestion -- hunt/be hunted as an adventurer
- face armies of the dead in dwarf mode or visit their necromancers' towers and learn their secrets as an adventurer
- evil regions where the dead and pieces of the dead can come alive, with evil mists and rain
- tombs built in world gen which can be visited in adv mode, either beneath towns or out in the wilds -- beware the dead!
- revamped justice/witness/death notification system in dwarf mode
- immigrants to your fortress will now be historical figures whenever possible, which means more family relationships and history for each one
- dropped items/bodies tracked between plays in the wilderness anywhere in the world
- more battlefield information tracked/war dead raisable in world gen
- all sponsorship animals and their giant/man versions are in the game now
- various new abilities for creatures (see file_changes.txt for list and syntax)
- adventurers can use creature abilities/learned powers and they can be tested from the arena
- new site travel map to make navigating towns easier
- reading/swimming/observer (for traps) relevant in adv mode now
- established historical figures can lead bandits
- rivers block movement in adv mode travel
- eating/drinking required in adv mode
- ingested syndromes are now possible
- ability to make campfire (from 'g') and warm items at campfire/fire/magma (from 'I') in adv mode
- traps work in adv mode, once spotted they can be ignored
- gems now have different cuts
- necromancers can write books about various topics (all books are in their towers as it stands)
- moon phase indicator in fort
- alphanumeric world gen seeds and some more world gen params (see file_changes.txt)
- the legends xml has a lot of new info for historical figures
Major bug fixes
- buffer overload from aborted world gen fixed
- fixed cave-in-on-embark issue with hidden underground structure, and a few others
Other bug fixes/tweaks
- designations over z levels all at once now possible
- unit screen divided into four sections
- rivers/pools have ramps now
- able to trade portions of stacks in both modes
- messed with adv mode currency trading and made items teleport to you
- tweaked how fire damage works
- made vision work through floor grates and bars properly
- fixed some road/bridge problems
- crystal glass items possible again
- tweaked adventure mode swimming and alt-movement readout (use alt-movement to get into a river you want to cross)
- skeletons/zombies replaced by animation effect
- demons masquerading as gods will try a little harder
- restricted mandates so they'll be more reasonable
- stopped blank map from being exported when you back out of detailed map export